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Ebert: Business Essentials 8th Edition

This best-selling book continues to present a brief “no-nonsense”approach to the fundamentals of business that spans the range of all functional areas–management, marketing, operations, accounting, information systems, finance, and legal studies.
Part I The Contemporary Business World: The U.S. Business Environment; Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; Entrepreneurship, New Ventures, and Business Ownership; The Global Context of Business. Part II The Business of Managing: Business Management; Organizing the Business; Operations Management and Quality. Part III People in Organizations: Employee Behavior and Motivation; Leadership and Decision Making; Human Resource Management and Labor Relations. Part IV Principles of Marketing: Marketing Processes and Consumer Behavior; Pricing, Distributing, and Promoting Products; Managing Information; Information Technology for Business; The Role of Accountants and Accounting Information. Part VI Financial Issues: Money and Banking; Managing Finances.

New in this edition 


In each chapter, boxes titled "It's a Wired World" offer brief real-world examples of steps established businesses are taking to keep pace with both new and old competitors in the e-business environment.

New! WEB Connection

Each chapter contains a new feature called "WEB Connection" that relates the Internet to the chapter's topics. The WEB Connection includes a real company's URL, screen shot, description of the company's mission, and an Action Challenge posted on the companion Web site for the book.

New! Exercising Your Ethics

To bring ethics to the forefront, we've introduced a new end-of-chapter feature, "Exercising Your Ethics," to motivate students to resolve an ethical situation. Each dilemma includes a description of the situation and then concludes with student questions that focus on how to approach and resolve an ethical challenge.

New! Video Cases and Exercise

The fourth edition of Business Essentials includes a brand new videolibrary. Each chapter now concludes with an engaging video exercise that puts chapter concepts into a dramatic real business context. Each video exercise asks students to analyze an interesting real company and includes discussion questions and assignment material.

Hallmark Strengths! Fully Updated!

New! Two Part Case Vignettes

To engage students in real-life business situations, each chapter opens with a compelling vignette describing how an individual or organization has responded to an opportunity or challenge.

The story continues...

The story is then revisited at the end of the chapter, where it concludes with more information and follow-up questions tailored to help students analyze the case, either on their own or in class as a group activity. All vignettes have all been fully updated to keep current.

End-of Chapter Activities Fully Updated

Exploring the Web Exercises.

In these exercises, students are directed to the Internet and given hands-on activities designed to enhance their understanding of important chapter topics.

BuildingYour Business Skills

These popular end-of-chapter exercises consist of activities that allow students to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to an extended problem drawn from a wide range of realistic business experiences. Each of these exercises has been specifically designed to satisfy the general criteria laid out in the Secretary of Labor's Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) requirements.

Crafting Your Business Plan Exercises

These chapter-ending exercises have been streamlined to make it easier for students to grasp and complete quickly. Students examine sample plans from a variety of businesses using the Windows-based Business Plan Pro 4.0 software. Students and instructors can also take the exercises further if they choose because this powerful educational version also allows students to begin creating their own professional business plans with step-by-step instructions. Version 4.0 allows planners to publish plans to a protected Internet site, where students can access all or part of posted plans. The educational version of the best-selling Business PlanPro Software can be packaged with the text for a nominal additional cost of $10.00.

Part I Understanding the Contemporary Business Environment
  • Understanding the U.S. Business System
  • Understanding the Global Context of Business
  • Conducting Business Ethically and Responsibly
  • Understanding Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Part II Understanding the Business of Managing
  • Managing the Business Enterprise
  • Organizing the Business Enterprise
  • Managing Operations and Improving Quality
Part III Understanding People in Organizations
  • Motivating, Satisfying, and Leading Employees
  • Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations
Part IV Understanding Principles of Marketing
  • Understanding Marketing Processes and Consumer Behavior
  • Pricing, Promoting, and Distributing Products
Part V Managing Information
  • Managing Information Systems and Electronic Commerce
  • Understanding Principles of Accounting
Part VI Understanding Financial Issues
  • Understanding Money and Banking
  • Understanding Securities and Investments
Appendix I Understanding Financial Risk and Risk Management
Appendix II Understanding the Legal Context of Business
  • Notes, Sources, and Credits
  • Glossary
  • Name, Company, Product Index 
Subject Index  

Product Details

  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (February 7, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0137053495
  • ISBN-13: 978-0137053490
  • Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.4 x 0.5 inches 
  • Author: Ronald J. Ebert and Ricky W. Griffin 
List Price: $91.00
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