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Garden: Employee to Entrepreneur: How to Ditch the Day Job & Start Your Own Business

Stop dreaming and start your own business. Employee to Entrepreneur shows you how to seamlessly move from employed to self-employed, how to effectively harness, utilise and exploit the skills and expertise you’ve already gained in your corporate emploment and use them all to help you start your own business and make the exciting move from employee to entrepreneur.

You can turn a career brick wall into an exciting opportunity and start your own business. This book dispels all the myths, dissolves all the obstacles and takes you on a business startup journey that will help you to assess all your options, appraise your ideas, write a great business plan and establish a sensible, functioning and profitable new business using the wealth of knowledge, expertise and insight your employment will have taught you.

  • Introduction
  • About Us
Part 1: The Reasons For Going It Alone
  • Chapter 1: Why Do It?
  • Chapter 2: When Should You Do It?
  • Chapter 3: Looking For Inspiration
  • Chapter 4: Leaving Employment
Part 2: Building Your Business Plan
  • Chapter 5: The Idea
  • Chapter 6: Number Crunching
  • Chapter 7: Getting Advice
  • Chapter 8: The Right Business Structure
  • Chapter 9: Branding Your Business
  • Chapter 10: Minimising Risk
  • Chapter 11; The Final Plan And How To Use It
Part 3: The Nuts And Bolts Of Running Your Business
  • Chapter 12: Working Smartly
  • Chapter 13: The Right Environment
  • Chapter 14: Staying On Track
  • Chapter 15: Managing Relationships
  • Chapter 16: Managing Growth
  • Chapter 17: Embracing Change
Part 4: Unconventional Lessons
  • Chapter 18: Beware Of Experts
  • Chapter 19: Luck Or Judgement
  • Chapter 20: The Do Nothing Strategy
  • Chapter 21: Business Bullies
  • Chapter 22: How To Sleep At Night
  • Conclusions

About the Authors
Catherine Blackburn and Chris Garden both spent may years in corporate employment, gaining skills and excelling in their respective roles; Chris as a Chartered Accountant and Catherine as a Marketing Director having worked with household brands including Unilever, Heinz, Guinness and Colgate.
After both were made redundant they decided to put their corporate skills and entrepreneurial leanings to good use and founded Ubevco together in 1996, quickly turning it into a £100m business employing over 120 people and launching key drink brands such as Red Bull, Tiger and Sol into the UK market.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (c2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1447929586
  • ISBN-13: 978-1447929581
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.8 inches
  • List Price: $24.99



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