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Gorrie: The China Crisis: How China's Economic Collapse Will Lead to a Global Depression

A controversial look at the impending Chinese economic collapse—the history behind it, its contemporary causes, and its dire implications for the global economy.

All the experts agree: the 21st century belongs to China. Given America's looming insolvency and the possibility of the collapse of the U.S. dollar, who can doubt that China is poised to take over the role of economic superpower? Written by political economist and leading financial journalist James Gorrie, this book offers a highly controversial, contrarian view of contemporary China. Drawing upon a wealth of historical and up-to-the-minute data, Gorrie makes a strong case that China, itself, is on the verge of an economic crisis of epic proportions. He explains how, caught in a recurrent boom/bust cycle that has played itself out several times over the past sixty years, China is again approaching total economic and social collapse. But with one important difference this time: they may very well take the entire global economy down with them.

Key Features
  • Explores the Chinese communist party's unfortunate history of making costly and very bloody mistakes on an enormous scale
  • One-by-one Gorrie analyzes those critical mistakes and explains how they may lead to economic collapse in China and global depression
  • Describes Chinese "cannibal capitalism," and where its massive abuse of the country's environment, people, and arable lands is leading that country and the world economy
  • Chronicles China's history of recurring economic crisis and explains why all the evidence suggests that history is about to repeat itself

  • Introduction
Chapter 1 A World on Edge
  • What Is the Proper Context in Which to Assess China Today?
  • China’s Self-Inflicted Crises
  • Great Leap Forward or Famine?
  • Cultural Revolution or Social Cannibalism?
  • How Has Economic Integration with the Global Economy Changed China?
  • Is China Becoming the Next Superpower?
  • Trading Partner to the World
  • The World’s Manufacturer
  • An Appetite for Commodities
  • Why Does China Have “Gold Fever?”
  • What Does the Rise of Other Nations, but Especially of China, Mean for the Current Financial System?
  • Marketing the China Brand
  • Does China Have a Bright and Powerful Future?
  • What’s Really behind the Great Wall?
  • Notes
Chapter 2 Stability and Legitimacy: A Chinese Crisis from Within
  • What Kinds of Risks and Problems Are Typical of Unstable Nations?
  • Stability and Instability: What Are They?
  • The Source of China’s “Stability”
  • What Are the Characteristics and Effects of Instability?
  • Does Stability also Mean “Legitimacy” in China?
  • Is Legitimacy of the Government Necessary for Stability?
  • Does Communist China Have a History of Stability?
  • Does China’s Beijing Model Lead to Stability and Legitimacy?
Chapter 3 The Rising Tide of Instability
  • Has China Been Influenced by Western Ideas?
  • Sources of Rising Instability in China
Chapter 4 Is China’s Economy Sustainable?
  • The Beijing Model: The Path Forward or Cannibal Capitalism?
  • What Is the Beijing Model?
  • Is the Beijing Model Self-Sustaining?
Chapter 5: China’s Quiet Crisis: Financial and Economic Meltdown
  • A Perception of Strength
  • China’s Quality of GDP
  • A Public and Private Stimulus Time Bomb
  • Development versus Economic Growth
  • How Much Was the Money Supply Expanded in China?
  • Bursting Bubbles
  • How Underperforming Are the Assets and the Loans Underlying Them?
  • China’s Banks Looking for the Real Thing
  • Currency Manipulation and the Domestic Economy
  • Will the Yuan Devaluation Be Enough to Keep the Economy Going?
  • Inflation and Deflation Dangers
  • Food for Riots
  • Financial Endgame
Chapter 6 China’s Extreme Environmental Degradation
  • Raging Environmental Crises
  • A History of Huge Mistakes
  • Hiding the Truth
  • Command Economies, Dehumanized Society, and Pollution
  • Pollution, Development, and Democracy
  • China’s Lose-Lose-Lose Proposition
  • China’s Air Pollution—Gasping For a Breath of Fresh Air
  • Bitter Water: China’s Lakes, Rivers, and Streams of Poison
  • How Bad Is the Water Pollution Situation in China?
  • Cancer Villages and Insanity
  • Why Has China’s Water Pollution Gotten So Bad?
  • Lifeless Oceans
  • A Plague Upon the Land
  • China’s Dead Zones
  • The Land of Arsenic
  • Why Is Such Pollution Tolerated?
  • CCP Land Policies Promote Abuse
  • Losing the Breadbasket
  • The Deforestation and Desertification of China
  • What Is the Real Cause of Desertification?
  • Ghosts of Famines Past
Chapter 7 Political Transition and the Breaking Point
  • Will Xi Jinping Unify the CCP?
  • Liberalization versus Stability
  • Passing the Torch: China’s New Nationalism
  • Domestic Crises for the New Leadership
  • How Will the New Chinese Leadership
  • Navigate the Rough Waters Ahead?
  • Hell and High Water
Chapter 8 Empire Decline and Complexity Theory
  • China as an Empire
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • China’s Uighur Problem in Xinjiang
  • The Sandals and Saff ron Threat of Tibet
  • Fear and Greed in the New Leadership
  • Complexity Theory
Chapter 9 The Fall of the Red Dragon
  • China’s War with China
  • The Breakup
  • Conclusion
  • Index

About the Authors
  • JAMES R. GORRIE writes on macroeconomic topics, investment strategies, and geopolitical events around the world. He has interviewed experts such as renowned economist James K. Galbraith, currency expert Craig R. Smith, and real estate master George Ross of the Trump Organization. His articles have appeared or been referenced on sites such as MSN Money, Seeking Alpha, and Yahoo! Business News. He has served as Editorial Director and Managing Editor for digital publishing firms and is also an award-winning screenwriter, filmmaker (The Indian), and novelist. James also ghostwrites for both famous and semi-famous personalities in America and abroad. Before writing professionally, James spent over eighteen years in the financial industry. He attended the University of California at Santa Barbara where he reached doctoral candidacy in international relations and comparative politics, with an area specialty in international political economy; he also holds a bachelor's degree in economics. James lives in Austin, Texas, with his family and is busy writing for clients, his next novel, a couple of screenplays and another book.

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (June 4, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 111847077X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1118470770
  • List Price: $40.00
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