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Keegan: Global Marketing 8th Edition

For undergraduate and graduate courses in global marketing.
The excitement, challenges, and controversies of global marketing.

Global Marketing reflects current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that will help students apply the 4Ps to global marketing.

New to This Edition
Bring Global Marketing to Life with Real-World Examples
  • NEW! New and Revised Cases: The cases in this text were written to encourage student interest and learning, stimulate class discussion, and enhance the classroom experience for students and instructors.
  • NEW! Show the importance of analytics: Marketing Metric and Analytics Section. In today’s economic environment marketing needs to justify its existence, which is why this text now includes a new section that focuses on quantitative measures and analytics, such as return on investment.
  • NEW! Analyze one of the most important topics in the field: Coverage of Social Media and Web 2.0. The impact of Social Media on global marketing activities has increased dramatically since the last edition–new discussions on this trend are integrated throughout the text.
Highlight Key Emerging Markets
  • NEW! Expose the importance of a key emerging market: Coverage on Africa. Africa’s renaissance is another current trend that’s tracked in the seventh edition. Seemingly every day the business press announces another global company that plans to enter Africa or expand operations there. This edition highlights these developments and also provides “Africa 3.0,” the lead-in case to Chapter 15 that explores the way mobile phones are transforming business and home life across the continent.
  • NEW! Highlight the growing impact of emerging nations: Continued Expanded Coverage on Emerging Markets. The unifying theme of the fifth edition was the growing impact of emerging nations in general–Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
  • In this edition, coverage of emerging markets was expanded to include how Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, and a handful of other emerging nations that have been rapidly approaching the “tipping point” in terms of both competitive vigor and marketing opportunity.
  • In this edition, the path of the nascent economic recovery and the resulting shifts in global market opportunities and threats are highlighted. New phrases such as austerity, capital flight, currency wars, double-dip recession, global imbalances, global rebalancing, quantitative easing (QE), and sovereign-debt crisis have been introduced into the discourse.

Part I. Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to Global Marketing
    • Case 1-1. The Global Marketplace Is Also Local
    • Case 1-1. The Global Marketplace (continued)
    • Case 1-2. McDonald’s Expands Globally While Adjusting Its Local Recipe
    • Case 1-3. Apple versus Samsung: The Battle for Smartphone Supremacy Heats Up
Part II. The Global Marketing Environment
  • Chapter 2. The Global Economic Environment
    • Case 2-1. A New Front in the Battle of Ideas
    • Case 2-1. A New Front in the Battle of Ideas (continued)
    • Case 2-2. Argentina Uncorks Malbec; World Ready for a Glass
  • Chapter 3. The Global Trade Environment
    • Case 3-1. Global Trading Partners Look East and West for Economic Growth
    • Case 3-1. Will New Trade Partnerships Fuel East-West Growth? (continued)
    • Case 3-2. Will the Euro Survive? The Euro Zone Fights for Its Life
  • Chapter 4. Social and Cultural Environments
    • Case 4-1. Will Tourism Ruin Venice?
    • Case 4-1. Is Tourism the Savior or the Scourge of Venice? (continued)
    • Case 4-2. Soccer and the Fashion World
  • Chapter 5. The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments
    • Case 5-1. Mr. President–Free Pussy Riot!
    • Case 5-1. Mr. President–Free Pussy Riot! (continued)
    • Case 5-2. America’s Cuban Conundrum
    • Case 5-3. Gambling Goes Global on the Internet
Part III. Approaching Global Markets
  • Chapter 6. Global Information Systems and Market Research
    • Case 6-1. Market Research Keeps Coach at the Cutting Edge of Fashion
    • Case 6-1. Market Research Keeps Coach at the Cutting Edge of Fashion (continued)
    • Case 6-2. Research Helps Whirlpool Keep Its Cool at Home, Act Local in Emerging Markets
  • Chapter 7. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
    • Case 7-1. Global Companies Target Low-Income Consumers (A)
    • Case 7-1. Global Companies Target Low-Income Consumers (A) (continued)
    • Case 7-2. Cosmetics Giants Segment the Global Cosmetics Market
  • Chapter 8. Importing, Exporting, and Sourcing
    • Case 8-1. Can the United States Double Its Exports by 2015?
    • Case 8-1. Increasing U.S. Exports (continued)
    • Case 8-2. Asian Shoe Exports to Europe
    • Case 8-3. A Day in the Life of an Export Coordinator
  • Chapter 9. Global Market-Entry Strategies: Licensing, Investment, and Strategic Alliances
    • Case 9-1. Starbucks Expands Abroad
    • Case 9-1. Starbucks’ Global Expansion (continued)
    • Case 9-2. Jaguar’s Passage to India
Part IV. The Global Marketing Mix
  • Chapter 10. Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing
    • Case 10-1. Suzlon Energy
    • Case 10-1. Suzlon Energy (continued)
    • Case 10-2. The Smart Car
  • Chapter 11. Pricing Decisions
    • Case 11-1. Global Companies Target Low-Income Consumers (B)
    • Case 11-1. Global Companies Target Low-Income Consumers (B) (continued)
    • Case 11-2. LVMH and Luxury Goods Marketing
    • Case 11-3. One Laptop Per Child
  • Chapter 12. Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution
    • Case 12-1. Walmart’s Adventures in India
    • Case 12-1. Can Walmart Crack the Retail Code in India? (continued)
    • Case 12-2. Fail! Tesco Strikes Out in the United States
  • Chapter 13. Global Marketing Communications Decisions I: Advertising and Public Relations
    • Case 13-1. The Gulf Oil Spill: BP’s Public Relations Nightmare
    • Case 13-1. The BP Oil Spill (continued)
    • Case 13-2. Scotch Whisky in China: A Taste of the Good Life
  • Chapter 14. Global Marketing Communications Decisions II: Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Special Forms of Marketing Communication
    • Case 14-1. Red Bull
    • Case 14-1. Red Bull (continued)
    • Case 14-2. Marketing an Industrial Product in Latin America
  • Chapter 15. Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution
    • Case 15-1. Africa 3.0
    • Case 15-1. Africa 3.0 (continued)
    • Case 15-2. Global Marketers Discover Social Media
Part V. Strategy and Leadership in the Twenty-First Century 488
  • Chapter 16. Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage
    • Case 16-1. Volkswagen Aims for the Top
    • Case 16-1. Volkswagen (continued)
    • Case 16-2. IKEA
    • Case 16-3. LEGO
  • Chapter 17. Leadership, Organization, and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Case 17-1. A Changing of the Guard at Unilever
    • Case 17-1. Unilever (continued)
  • Glossary
  • Index

About the Authors
  • Dr. Warren J. Keegan is Professor of International Business and Marketing and Director of the Center for Global Business Strategy at the Lubin School of Business of Pace University-New York, and is Visiting Professor, Cranfield University School of Management (UK), CEIBS (China European International Business School)-Shanghai, Wharton Executive Programs, University of Pennsylvania, and ESSEC, Cergy-Pontoise-France. He is the founder of Warren Keegan Associates, Inc., a consulting consortium of experts in global strategy formulation and implementation. The firm is affiliated with Marketing Strategy & Planning, Inc.-New York, and MarkPlus, Indonesia's leading marketing consulting firm. Dr. Keegan is Chairman of the MarkPlus Global Institute-Singapore.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 608 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (Published | c2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0133545008
  • ISBN-13: 978-0133545005
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 10.8 inches
  • List Price: $244.20



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